Friday, January 8, 2010


Even when your able to decipher that you belong with someone better your heart always have a way of blocking out the facts with a thing called "Love". When your mind is telling you one thing and your heart is telling you another...who do you listen to?


I finish putting my signature on the receipt and the cashier hands me my bag and as I exit…WHO DO I SEE? I knooow I swear my life is like a never ending Chick Flick. I mean my brain was about to explode because I just spent the last 30 minutes of quality shopping time discussing “HIM” with the BFF and then like magic he appears out of no where.

Mind to Dionne: Smile say hi and keep it moving.

Heart to Dionne: awww run over to him and give him a hug and kiss and act like you are excited to see him!!

Dionne: Hey whats up long time no see

Mind to Dionne: Umm keep it short and sweet and GO GO GOOOOOOO

HIM: blah blah blah….He's talking to me but my mind is registering everything under bullshit even if it's not

Heart to Dionne: girl start up an interesting conversation that will keep him engaged in your thoughts. You have nothing to worry about you look good hair looks cute and your outfit is straight.

Our Mutual Friend to Dionne: Where you about to go now??

Mind to Dionne: GIRL make up something…You gotta go…you got other plans

Dionne: Yeah I'm heading home I gotta go change and get ready.

Heart to Dionne: Aww you guys should hang out …it will be fun and you know you want to!!!

As we both walk out into the parking lot we exchange a few words and go our separate ways.

Mind to Dionne: Get in the truck and go and don't even look back….Girl HE’S A TOTAL WASTE OF TIME!!

Heart to Dionne: You mean ass b*tch…was the cold shoulder really necessary??


Mind 1 Heart 0

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