Day to day we worry so much about life, love, money, family, diets, car issues, past due amounts, daycare, ex boyfriends, ex girlfriends, sexual frustration, marriage ,health, education,achieving, failing and depending on the type of person you are this list could get longer with the many things you stress about. Stop for a minute and stop thinking ....inhale now exhale..... REPEAT 3x!! Do it right now this very second who cares if anyone is watching just do it. Feel Better? True I'm nooooo psychologist and true I don't think anyone knows someone who is completely stress free but there are ways to reduce it.
Believe it or not the last time I was stress was last summer. Soooo many things in my life were happening and I was really scared because I felt I had no control over what was going on. I tried my best to keep myself together and remain as normal as possible but few of my friends knew something wasn't right. To me I felt like it didn't matter anyway because what could they possibly do to fix the situation???? I mean some gave me some encouraging words and advised everything would be alright but still my mind was racing with a gagillion thoughts per minute, I was loosing some serious sleep, my hair fell out a little bit and my appetite varied. I didn't like how I was feeling and I knew something had to be done but what could help me???
YOGA!! Yes Yoga!
My aunt was going to yoga sometimes 3x a week and she often told me how much she felt better both physically and mentally after each session. So I looked up a yoga studio in my area and surprisingly I found one who had a free meditation yoga session and it stated"Meditation is at the core of all stress reducing techniques. We will concentrate on the foundations of mediation: focused breathing, relaxed awareness, and an open heart. No experience necessary - everyone welcome". Honestly I did yoga maybe once or twice years ago and still I didn't really know what to expect. OH MY GOD The class was amazing between the breathing the stretching, the chanting and the humming I walked out of there feeling like I had a brand new mind. I did the class a few more times and after a while the "situation" didn't seem so stressful anymore. Who knows it may work for you too!!
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